Call for Student Papers
Submission Requirements
Graduate and undergraduate students who have completed empirical papers in the experimental analysis of human behavior are invited to submit their papers to the EAHB-SIG student paper contest. This contest specifically seeks to reward student scholarship in the experimental analysis of human behavior. Please see the submission guidelines for the EAHB Bulletin for a brief description of what we consider to be research topics in this area. All papers submitted will be reviewed by experts in the topic area of the student paper (many of the reviewers serve on the editorial board of top behavioral journals).
Submissions for the 2025 Student Paper Competition Are due February 15, 2025.
The Award
Award winners will…
Present their work at the meeting of the EAHB Special Interest Group at ABAI’s 2025 conference.
Have their paper’s abstract and reference (if applicable) published in the EAHB-SIG Bulletin (now online at
Receive a check for the value of an ABAI student conference registration (student member),
Be awarded a handsome commemorative award presented at the SIG Business Meeting.
Rules & Eligibility
The paper must concern experimental research issues with human subjects.
The student must be the first author.
The paper may be at any stage of the review process (from un-submitted through published!) as long the student is the first author if the manuscript has been submitted.
Current students and previous students who received their degree within one year of the submission deadline are eligible.
Submissions should be prepared according to current APA publication guidelines and no longer than 30 pages.
Research must have been completed within the last 2 years.
Submission Instructions
Students should email the following two electronic documents (as .doc or .docx files) to
Please Include:
A cover letter stating: 1) the title of the manuscript, 2) the student author’s affiliation, correspondence address, email address, and telephone, and 3) the faculty sponsor’s name and email address. If you do not receive acknowledgment within a week of your submission, please send a follow-up email.
A manuscript: The title page should contain only the title--no author information (we conduct blind reviews). All charts, figures, and graphs should be in the same file as the manuscript.
Sponsoring or Advising Faculty should send via email: A brief statement outlining the relative contributions of the student and the sponsor and confirming that the student is either currently enrolled or graduated less than 1 year ago.